Thursday, October 14, 2010

Pan Ams 2010

This August we had our first ever Pan American Championships on the Ottawa river. With 5 countries represented this made the even a bit more of a Pan American/ Irish/ British championships. It has been quite a while since I have competed and so I was pretty nervous even before the line up of competitors was announced.

Dave Crerar

In the eddy were some of the world’s best kayakers, a little unnerving for any paddler. I have to admit the atmosphere that surrounds a competition is not what I remember. What I used to consider competition was butterflies, nerves and imminent embarrassment on front of some of the world’s best boaters.

Joel Kowalski

However this time having good friend on the bank and in my heats made me really see a positive side to competitive kayaking once more. IT was much more like having a push button session with a lot of friends, than an intense competition.

Joel Kowalski

The beats certainly helped as well with the Ottawa’s very own resident DJ spinning his best throughout the whole day. Although I didn’t make the top 10 like I had wanted I left with a new lease of enthusiasm and determination for competition.

Tino Specht

Gauley was next week and now Ireland, can’t wait to taste a bit of home for a while. The full results are at the bottom.

Dave Crerar

These shots were taken by Holly Chester and are myself and some of the others in the competition. As can be seen Level Six was very well represented both in the eddy and on scoreboard.

1 Dane Jackson

2 Jordan Poffenberger

3 Eric Jackson

4 Francois Bergeron-Proulx

Jr Women

1 Sara-Jane Daub

2 Alex Maggs

3 Lauren Burress

4 Taylor Cote

5 Jessica Droujko

Jr Men

1 Dane Jackson

2 Adam Chappell

3 Kalob Grady

4 James Metcalfe

5 Jacob Slobodian

Pro Women

1 Ruth Gordon

2 Emily Jackson

3 Katie Quinn

4 Alex Shallhorn

5 Katie Kowalski (L6)

Pro Men

1 Stephen Wright

2 Eric Jackson

3 Joel Kowalski (L6)

4 Devyn Scott

5 Tino Specht (L6)

6 Francois Bergeron-Proulx

7 Ben Fraser

8 Tyler Curtis

9 Matt Hamilton (L6)

10 Keegan Grady (L6)

11 Jose Rodriguez

12 Dave Crerar (L6)

13 Zack Boles(L6)

14 Thomas Harding

15 Brandon Fasan

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