Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Dave Crerar Spring 2010

Photo: Tyler Fox

Spring has been unique this year in that it didn't involve slaving away in the books while all my friends went kayaking all over the world. This year I got to stay outdoors and travel to Quebec for spring boating.

Photo: Louise Irwin

Quebec brought with it a lot of surprises, what I had anticipated to be a creeking trip. With a minimal snow in Eastern Canada this past winter it meant an early and small snow melt. However this meant that there was even more possibility to explore Quebec.

Photo: Tyler Fox

This change in scenery was a nice change from the icy cold of the BC ski resort I had spent my winter at. IT has been great to get back into a boat and explore another part of the world.

Photo: Tyler Fox

We have managed to paddle almost 20 rivers in the time we have been there and so far have covered 2 first descents. With two more weeks left in Quebec I am sure there is more to follow. Keep tuned for more pics. Laters DC

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